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Welcome to the "MRHS Attendance Office"


Voicemail Box: (732) 705-5200, Option 1


Attendance notes/documentation may be submitted electronically using the MRHS Attendance Submission Form.

Students may also submit hard copies of documentation by submitting them to the "Attendance Mailbox" located in Room 600. Questions regarding your individual child's attendance must be directed to his/her Assistant Principal:

9th Grade:  Ms. Lorena Carbajal

10th Grade: Ms. Lorena Carbajal

11th Grade: Mr. Rich Abrahamsen

12th Grade: Mr. Rich Abrahamsen


The responsibility for the implementation of the attendance policy and administrative regulation is assigned to the building principal/designee. The chief school administrator, the Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education may become involved if decisions made by the principal/designee are subsequently appealed by a pupil or his/her parents/guardians.

It is generally recognized that the courses of study and instruction are designed as to allow for a limited amount of absenteeism.  Such planning will normally allow an opportunity for pupils who are legitimately absent to make up work.  Such make-up work is the responsibility of the pupils.

Absences are classified as either excused or unexcused based on the guidelines provided in Policy 5200.  An absence that would be considered as excused with proper documentation as noted in policy shall be considered as unexcused if written documentation is not provided within 3 school days after the student’s return to school.

Limitations on Absenteeism

To receive full credit for a high school course, a student is limited to 10 absences for semester courses and 20 total absences for full year courses. 


The following circumstances under which a student is absent from school will constitute a valid, excusable reason for such absence, provided the necessary proof is presented to the attendance office within 3 school days after the student’s return to school.

  1. Religious observance (N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3(h)); 
  2. A college visit (up to 3 days per school year for students in grades 11 and 12);
  3.  “Take Our Children to Work Day” or other rule issued by the Commissioner;
  4.  Participation in observance of Veterans Day (N.J.S.A. 18A: 36-13.2) or district board of election membership activities (N.J.S.A. 18A: 36-33); or
  5. The closure of a busing district that prevents a student from having transportation to the receiving school.

A student will be considered in attendance if participating in a school-sponsored activity away from the building – such as a field trip.  In addition, a student on Home Instruction will be considered in attendance.

Absences that would be considered excused with the above documentation shall be unexcused if the written documentation is not provided within the required 3 days limitation upon the student’s return to school.  Absences or missing any part of a day from school for vacation, work, auto repair, hairdresser appointments, babysitting, job interviews and similar reasons are unacceptable reasons.

*The Administration reserves the right to question the legitimacy of any note, especially in situations where there are apparent abuses of this procedure.


The school is mandated to report to the appropriate authorities violations of the law regarding the mandatory attendance of pupils below the age of sixteen (16).  Repeated violations of the attendance requirements by pupils over the age of sixteen (16) may result in the suspension or expulsion of the pupil or being dropped from the school rolls.  Any pupil repeatedly absent from their assigned program may be referred to the Intervention and Referral Services Committee for its recommendations.


  1. Students may enter the building at 7:05 AM.
  2. Period 1 begins promptly at 7:15 AM.
  3. Students arriving after 7:15 AM are to report to the front lobby for a late admission pass. (See tardiness policy.)
  4. When a student arrives late for homeroom, the teacher may  submit a referral for tardies. See MRHS Code of Conduct located in the student handbook for consequences for being late.
  5. Students are expected to leave the building and grounds at dismissal unless they are involved in a teacher-supervised after-school activity. Students violating this regulation will be considered loitering and may subject themselves to suspension.  Students who are absent from school will be considered trespassing if on school grounds that day and may not participate in any after school activities.  In all cases, students may also be subject to further disciplinary action.


District Attendance Policy #5200




Credit recovery is an option for students who have lost credit due to excessive absences in a course. Students will be given the opportunity to make up the required seat time missed due to unexcused absences. Students approved for attendance recovery will be working to fulfill the mandated New Jersey requirement for seat time. The rigor, competencies and mastery levels of individual courses are established and maintained by the classroom teacher.

In order for a student to be enrolled in the program, the following must be satisfied:

After school, Credit Recovery periods will take place during detention.  This time is completed after school on days assigned by the grade level assistant principal. Any student participating in the Credit Recovery Program must make up the total amount of seat time missed.  Each detention attended by the student will make up time missed for 1 absence from the class period. Students attending for late recovery will be assigned 1 detention.

Once a student is enrolled into the Credit Recovery Program, the grade level assistant principal will assign the days for credit recovery to be attended and generate a log.  Each student enrolled in the program will be required to keep a log of days attended and have the detention proctor sign that the recovery period was completed. The attendance log will be handed to the grade level assistant principal on the date it is completed.

  • Grade-level Assistant Principal has removed credits due to attendance criteria.
  • The student must have applied to the program and signed the contract so that they understand the requirements of the program.
  • Participation in the program is subject to the approval of the grade level Assistant Principal.